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Answering a few questions about Hybrid cars


Hybrid cars are often confused with electric cars. However, there is a world of difference between both. If you too are amongst those that cannot distinguish a Prius from a Tesla, then this crash course in hybrid cars is for you. We have compiled a list of questions that can help you know hybrid cars better. Read on-

What are Hybrid cars?

Hybrid electric vehicles are those that use a combination of a petrol engine and an electric motor to drive themselves. Both the motor and the engine are independent of each other. The electric motor drives the car at slower speeds of up to up to 50 km/h, and the petrol engine takes over at higher speeds. The petrol engine recharges the batteries that drive the electric motor, once they are discharged. As these vehicles are powered by two sources working in tandem, they are known as Hybrid cars.

Is electricity necessary for hybrids to run?

Unlike their electronic counterparts, hybrids are not solely reliant on electricity. Once the electric battery is discharged, the petrol engine kicks in and helps drive the car. Hybrid cars are self-charging and use the petrol engine to charge their electric batteries. You do not have to plug in the car to a power source to recharge the batteries. Further, Toyota hybrids feature regenerative braking, wherein the brake power is converted to electric energy and stored in the battery, which is then used for driving the electric motor.

How long do the batteries last?

The batteries of hybrid cars are quality tested and have been known to last longer than the car’s lifetime. Regular checkups ensure that the batteries are in the best of their health. Periodic visits to the service station for maintenance and servicing should keep them going.

Are Hybrids trustworthy?

Hybrid cars have been around for a long time. Toyota pioneered the technology with Prius, and four generations later, leads the hybrid car sales in the world. Toyota batteries have proven to last hundreds of charging cycles and at times, even more than the life of the car. Also, an electric motor breakdown is rare. And even in case of any eventuality, the petrol engine serves as a backup. So you may rest assured that you would not be stranded in the wilderness with a hybrid.

Are Hybrids costly to maintain?

Hybrids have an electric motor and a petrol engine on board. Due to the electric motor, people often think that Hybrids would be very costly to maintain. However, this cannot be further away from the truth. The electric motor has lesser moving parts and thus less friction, which is one of the major factors in wear and tear. Also, the motor is reliable and is covered by the manufacturer under warranty. So, you would not be spending extravagantly to maintain a hybrid car.

Hybrid cars are less polluting, make less noise, and are safe. Opt for a Hybrid car and do your bit towards making the world a better place to live in.

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